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Advocating For Fair, Reasonable Spousal Support Payments

Getting divorced can significantly impact a person’s financial situation, especially if they have less education, work experience, and resources than their ex-spouse. In these cases, spousal support payments can help ease the transition from married to single life. Whether you’re on the paying or receiving side, attorney Tamara Grossman of Grossman Family Law Firm LLC advocates for fair and reasonable spousal support in Florida divorces.

How Spousal Support Is Calculated In Florida

As with other family law matters, spousal support arrangements vary case-by-case. The factors that judges consider in decisions about spousal support include:

  • The marriage’s length
  • The standard of living established during the marriage and each spouse’s anticipated needs to maintain it
  • Each spouse’s income, resources, education and earning capacity
  • The sacrifices each spouse made in the marriage
  • The contributions each spouse made to the marriage
  • Each spouse’s age, physical and mental health

If minor children are involved, each spouse’s needs to provide adequate care for them will also be considered. 

Generally, spousal support payments should not exceed 35% of the difference between the two spouse’s incomes.

How Long Does Spousal Support Last?

Spousal support, also called alimony, can be a temporary, supplemental or rehabilitative arrangement, meaning that the payments are provided for a limited time to address specific needs or to help a person become self-supporting.

These arrangements can also be more long-term, but permanent alimony is no longer awarded in Florida. The marriage must have lasted at least three years, and the arrangement’s time period will reflect the marriage’s length.

Who Is Eligible For Spousal Support In A Divorce?

There is a common misconception among people going through a divorce that spousal support is always paid by men and received by women. However, spousal support decisions are not made based on gender. Men and women have equal rights to spousal support. 

These arrangements are shaped by who the higher-earning spouse is and the capabilities, limitations and needs of the lesser-earning spouse. Those requesting alimony must demonstrate they need spousal support and that the other spouse has the means to provide it.  

Consult A Florida Divorce Attorney Today

If you are considering a divorce in Florida and have questions about spousal support, attorney Grossman can provide more information in a free consultation. Call CALL or send her a message to schedule.